Sales Enablement


Spend Less Time On Mundane Tasks, More Time Closing Sales

We understand that there are many moving parts in sales – networking, following up, giving demos, prospecting, creating proposals and following up again.

The goal of sales enablement is to make the sales process and experience as easy and frictionless as possible. “By helping sales teams free up time to do sales, you can become more focused on creating rockstar customer experiences.

By aligning marketing and sales, we help arm sales teams with the right content, context and tools to close sales more easily, and ultimately, increase revenue. By creating a closed-loop reporting system between marketing and sales, you will get results like Batman and Robin.


Create A Sales Tech Stack For Your Business Goals & Processes

Sales enablement is about creating the right content, using the right tools, implementing the necessary automations and integrations to set sales teams up for success. The goal is to help optimise the sales process so you can focus on engaging with your prospects throughout the buyer’s journey and of course, increasing revenue.

Before creating any plans, we believe it’s important to take the time to understand your business goals, current sales process and identify gaps (content and tools).

We can help you set up sales pipelines, dashboards, deal automations, proposals, quoting system, sales email sequences and integrations to support & improve the current sales process. Oh, we’ll also create automations — so leads don’t fall through the cracks!


Prioritise The Hand-Raisers, Nurture The Actively Seeking

Nailing your ideal customer profile(s) and lead qualification matrix positively impacts your sales enablement plan. This will always be our starting point, for any business.

This helps:

– Create better marketing and sales alignment
– Sales to effectively target and communicate with prospects
– Marketing to create content that will help sales throughout the sales process
– Prioritise the “hand raisers” (aka hot leads)
– Nurture the “actively seeking”
– Marketing to create nurturing sequences for the “passively seeking”
– Create a feedback loop between marketing and sales to ensure leads are handed off to sales at the right time



What does the HubSpot Sales Tools consist?

HubSpot Sales has 3 tiers that you can choose from. The sales tech stack includes functionalities like meeting links, quoting systems, deal pipelines, revenue tracking, dashboards and much more. Find out more here.

What levels of HubSpot Sales do we need?

We can do sales enablement on HubSpot Starter to Enterprise. The different levels of HubSpot Sales will determine how complex we can make your sales enablement plan to be. It will be tailored to your needs and capacity. Some tools that will be part of your sales enablement plan can be third party tools integrated with HubSpot, like Zoom, Vidyard, PandaDoc and more.

Does it include proposal/quoting softwares?

If that’s part of your process or would like that to be part of the process, we can certainly do that for you. There are many options to choose from. You have the option to use the HubSpot quote tool where you can send quotes (and get them paid) right from inside HubSpot, if you have Sales Pro.

The other popular option is to use proposal softwares like PandaDoc, Proposify, Qwilir and more. Most of them integrate well with HubSpot too, with PandaDoc being our favourite to use.

I'm uncertain about the reliability in our current CRM. Is sales enablement worth it?

Fair question! What I’d suggest would be for us to work on fixing up your CRM and set up a sales enablement strategy concurrently. Prioritising sales enablement is important. It can benefit your CRM database in the future and your sales team today.

I've a small sales team. Is it worth it to do sales enablement at this stage?

Yes, the more you should be doing this to free up time from mundane tasks, leverage on automation to improve productivity and let a well-oiled CRM help you do sales better. It’ll help your team focus on the more important, needle-moving work.

Naturally, with a smaller team you will have a less complex plan. As your team grows, your sales processes will change and so will your sales enablement plan.

Starting sales enablement now will help with the handover of leads as your team grows and build a strong foundation for onboarding of new team members.

Does this come with training my team?

We will be working with you every step of the way. From understanding your business goals and current processes to building out a sales enablement plan that’s feasible for you and your team. We will handover the process and ensure your team is well equipped. If additional sales enablement training is required, we can work out a plan for that too.

My company is going through a period of change. I'm not sure when it's a good time to start sales enablement.

Remember, sales enablement isn’t a static. It will and should evolve as your company evolves.

You might start with just 1 sales pipeline but as your team grows, you might have more pipelines and the way you distribute leads amongst your sales team will most likely change. The complexity of sales enablement will very much be tailored for your business needs and phase of growth.

So, even if your company is going through change and uncertainty, it might be worth having a chat about how you could start thinking about sales enablement. Reach out to us via live chat or the form below.


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