
5 Social Selling Tips In The Modern World - Sales Enablement

What’s Social Selling?

Social selling, a modern lead generation technique for sales people to find, connect, understand and nurture prospects via social media. Social listening on the other hand, requires listening to what your prospects are talking about so you can speak to their pain points.

Why Is Social Selling Important?

Maintaining a presence online is far less expensive compared to traditional advertising. It has become the most effective sales technique to this date because experts say that if it’s applied in a precise manner, it can strengthen the entire sales process.

Still On The Fence About It? Let These Stats Speak For Themselves.

  • 90% of decision-makers never answer a cold call, but 75% of B2B buyers use social media to make purchasing decisions. (LinkedIn)
  • Companies with consistent social selling processes are 40% more likely to hit revenue goals than non-social sellers. (SalesForLife)
  • Content shared by employees receives 8x more engagement than content shared by brand channels. (Social Media Today)

The Golden Rule Of Selling By Brian Tracy

The Golden Rule: Sell to people the way you would like to be sold to.

It is focused on the customer’s needs, rather than the salesperson's desire to earn a commission. Successful salespeople sell with the honesty, understanding and empathy that they would like someone else to be when selling to them.

5 Social Selling Tips In The Modern World

1. Build A Personal Brand - Not Just The Company Brand

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