
Reporting Tools Available within HubSpot

P.S. HubSpot is constantly evolving and improving their products - faster than we can update this blog. So definitely speak to us to get the latest answers :) Enjoy and happy reporting!

One of the advantages of the HubSpot CRM platform is the powerful reports that come standard with each tool. Tools like Sequences in Sales Hub, Social or Traffic Analytics in Marketing Hub, Knowledge Base in Service Hub and Website Pages in CMS Hub all have their reports covering those specific tools.

Here are the reporting tools available in HubSpot and how you can use them:

In-Tool Reports

Tools like Ads, Social Media, Sequences, Workflows, Knowledge Base all have reporting dashboards or analyze tabs available. These tabs offer insights on common metrics associated with these tools such as impressions, open-rates, conversions, etc.

These dashboards show the most common reports that anybody using these tools are likely to ask about the performance of the particular tool and actions you’re taking. While simple, these reports are powerful in helping determine which assets are performing and driving both traffic and conversions.

Analytics Tools

A powerful set of standard tools that show the analytics on sources of traffic, contacts and customers, lifecycle stage reports and more. These reports allow you to track the sales or service activity, understand which campaigns drive results, and track the changes in your recurring revenue.

These standard reports come standard within the relevant HubSpot packages/hubs as indicated below:

  • Traffic Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise, CMS Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Sales Analytics (Sales Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Custom Behavioural Events (Marketing Hub Enterprise)
  • Contact Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional,  Enterprise)
  • Campaign Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Sales Content Analytics (Sales Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Form Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise, CMS Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Revenue Analytics (Sales Hub Enterprise)

Custom Reports: Single Object

Analyze contacts, companies, deals, tickets, custom objects, activities, line items, or feedback submissions.

Custom Reports Builder

An advanced report builder that enables you to analyze objects concerning marketing, sales, and service activities.

Funnel Reports

Measure the conversion rates between certain stages in a customer's lifecycle or deal's pipeline. If you have an Enterprise subscription, you can also create a custom events funnel.

Contact attribution report

Measure which sources, assets, and interactions impacted lead generation (Marketing Hub and CMS Hub Enterprise only).

Deal create attribution reports

Measure which sources, assets, and interactions impacted deal generation (Marketing Hub Enterprise only).

Revenue attribution reports

Measure which sources, assets, and interactions had the greatest impact on revenue (Marketing Hub Enterprise only).

Looking for help building insightful reports in HubSpot? Contact our team and we can assist you in building impactful campaigns and insightful reports to help track your campaign conversions.

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